91: I'm sure they're cable cuddlers
Paul loves his new HiFiBerry, but Drew really struggles to understand it. Speaking of Drew being dense, he wastes 60 dollars. Paul actually removes an Apple device from his life. Drew has a new investment opportunity. Paul's son registers for high school and it fills Paul with the feels.
90: I'm sure they've never committed any war crimes
Paul and Drew review their Spotify homework results with... some predictability. The boys go over some headphone recommendations. Drew shares a Twilight Imperium link that was pretty well done. Paul recommends some podcast episodes. Drew's house hunting continues.
89: I'm sure they're curious
Drew experiences THE THAW, which prompts him to want to build a new house, and needs Paul's advice. Paul talks about Spotify HiFi, and the boys take on some homework for next show. Drew hawks a new protein bar. Paul and Drew discuss what it means to be a "Super Follower."
88: I'm sure they've got fast shutter speeds
Paul's smoke alarms are at it again. Drew buys a new camera and some other streaming accessories. Speaking of streaming, Drew is doing a live streaming series with Python and the Twitter APIs. Paul sees the light of higher frame rates in games.
87: I'm sure they'll schwipp it
Paul meets some fire fighters. Drew rocks a semi for Postman. The boys take a sharp turn into ASMR videos. Drew makes the case for Azure Managed Identities. Paul has some updates on his Raspberry Pi project.
86: I'm sure they're big dumpy elephants
It's tax season, and the boys (well, one of them) is getting started on filing. Drew buys a sound card. Paul succumbs to peer pressure and buys a desk lamp. The boys provide real, actual advice when it comes to moving between "master" to "main" branches in Git. Paul's Raspberry Pi doesn't go as planned. The boys weigh on the grim news for CentOS Linux.
85: I'm sure they're running on cocaine
Drew finally gets what he wants out of his CPU cooling experience, but not before suffering a vinegar incident. Paul talks about the upcoming "The Sandman" Netflix series. Drew gets swept up in the stonks mania.
84: I'm sure they'll be competent podcasters
Paul gets a standing desk. Drew didn't mess up his computer this week (sort of). Drew gets some new board games (but doesn't have anyone to play with) and the boys talk about some new/re-releases that they're itching to play. Paul has an encounter with a math teacher.
83: I'm sure they have a little divot
Paul checks in on Drew's computer, and you won't believe the answer. Paul dives in to the world of the perfect MagSafe charger. Drew picks up a Raspberry Pi 400 computer and is smitten. Paul launches a new project online.
82: I'm sure they'll await
Paul is a quitter, but also not a quitter, when it come to Apple product updates. Drew secures an AMD 5900X processor... and hilarity ensues as we take a trip back to Drew's Computer Corner. The boys talk about comics, and Paul schools Drew on some .NET programming.