11: I'm sure they won't ruin all their comics with fingerprints
Paul gets some good feedback on the Podcast. The boys talk about the different TV series they thing are "the best." Paul schools Drew on comic books, what he's read, and what he continues to read. Drew did a bad in an online game and is paying the consequences. Finally, the boys talk about lawn care which spirals out of control in general home ownership grievances.
10: I'm sure they'll probably quit after 10 episodes
To celebrate their 10th episode, Drew created Paul a special game inspired by his Kindle suggestions. They boys talk about their "everyday carry", and what you can find on them most of the time. Drew gets his MacBook Pro keyboard replaced. The boys reflect on 10 episodes of the podcast, what they've liked, and where they want it to go next.
9: I'm sure they can just stop being sad whenever they want
The boys get a listener question that leads them open up about some of their personal mental health struggles. Paul bought a new laptop bag and Drew immediately has sack envy. Drew upgraded his home internet to gigabit and talks about buying his own modem, and Paul laments his lack of options for his providers. Drew reports on his new Kindle lifestyle.
8: I'm sure their food will be fine on the front porch
Paul had a vacation day and played some video games. Drew had a very big surprise. Drew's Mac is due for a keyboard repair. The boys discuss some delivery services they're utilizing, as well as the concept of "hot chicken." Drew closes the loop on his PO Box rental.
7: I'm sure they passed a high school civics class
The boys kick off the episode answering some listener questions about text editors and board games, which quickly spirals into a trip down memory lane about their gaming histories. Drew had jury duty, and realized he has no idea how the criminal justice system works. Drew has an unsettling online interaction.
Recorded July 12, 2019
6: I'm sure they'll find a use for all those unicorns
Drew shares a new fun web-based game that imitates life a little more than he realizes. The boys talk about their Amazon.com purchase histories, and some "risks" (financial and/or physical) they've taken on some of them. Paul gets Drew to admit out loud he's a car snob, and the boys then talk about their car purchase histories, and future acquisitions and "dream cars." Finally, Drew talks about the Windows Subsystem For Linux and how he's finally happy to never have to use PuTTY again.
5: I'm sure they didn't eat any corndogs
The boys took a lunch field trip so Drew could eat his first ever corndog... but did he really? Drew didn't buy any new phone cases this week, but he did invest in a new work badge/ID holder which leads Paul and Drew to dicuss thier Amazon purchasing habits. Paul schools Drew on e-Readers and helps him almost make a purchasing decision. Drew talks about the new Raspberry Pi 4 and some cool projects you can do at home.
4: I'm sure they're very emollient
Paul binged the "Chernobyl" series, and enjoyed it so much he then binged the Podcast too, so the boys talk about it a little bit more. Drew found a really creative implementation of the "Battle Royale" game type, which may or may not still be alive by the time this podcast comes out (at least in the version he played). Drew already bought a new iPhone case, and chances are he'll be buying another one soon. Paul talks about some upcoming birthday logistics. Drew started shaving his head. Paul talks about a problematic corn dog experience, and the boys decide to take a field trip. Drew also drops a hint of a new project.
Recorded on June 20, 2019
3: I'm sure they probably won't die from radiation posioning
Drew is still coming to grips with his two phone life, and discusses his recent case purchase experience. Drew watched the "Chernobyl" series on HBO, and he has thoughts. Paul is troubled about how the popular online game "Roblox" exists and does business. Paul discusses how he edits this podcast, and Drew's pretty impressed. Paul and Drew talk board game fluff, which is just a nice way of saying they spend way too much money on the hobby.
Recorded on June 14th, 2019
2: I'm sure they'll be fine in the moshpit
Drew has a flat tire, and didn't think clearly about how to handle it. Paul and Drew discuss multi-factor authentication (MFA), and why they both like and need it. Drew laments mobile device management (MDM), and talks about some of the new workflows he's developing to keep work and personal information and devices separate while maintaining his sanity. Drew's got an extra cell phone, and he's not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing. Paul talks about what makes metal music great, proper moshpit etiquette, and how not to prevent getting punched in the face.