I'm sure they're doing their best

41: I'm sure they'll figure out their pizza situation

March 23, 2020

The boys talk remote work, and how they're adjusting their workflows (and how they aren't). Drew talks about his Bawls, and his new ultra-powerful handheld vacuum. Paul and Drew talk Columbus pizza, and what they like. Drew laments the (temporary?) closure of some of his favorite local restaurants. Paul decides to run an online Dungeons and Dragons campaign, so Drew decides to create a character live on-air and names him after his favorite person.

40: I'm sure they'll get through this

March 16, 2020

Paul talks about what weird day it was. The boys share their current global pandemic thoughts, feelings, fears, and plans. Drew buys new AirPods to replace the ones he "cleaned." Drew tries a 10-keyless keyboard, and is... cautiously optimistic. Paul debates using fabric glue to finish his battle jacket. Paul has to explain "Batman" comics to Drew.

39: I'm sure they haven't been burning the candle at both ends

March 9, 2020

Drew's been overdoing it and it's starting to take a toll. Drew talks about his now third attempt at building a computer, and what happened to the last two, as well as an explanation around processor boosting technology and manual overclocking. Paul and Drew praise Lian Li computer cases. Paul gives follow-up on his Tom Bihn storage situation. Paul and Drew discuss presentation prep, and what makes a "good" presentation to them.

38: I'm sure they'll remember to hit record

March 2, 2020

Drew issues some corrections from the last show. Drew talks about how the product review in the previous episode ruined his AirPods. Paul talks about how great the AirPods Pro Are, then proceeds to gush about his new 16-inch Macbook Pro. Drew might be addicted to video games. Paul sells Drew on a pair of MoCA network adapters.

37: I'm sure they'll half pull it out

February 24, 2020

Paul give some follow-up to his repetitive stress injury, and shows Drew his new wrist rest. Drew gets moist over a soft pretzel, talks about the North Market in Columbus, and then the boys talk about some of their favorite dining places around town. Drew takes a listener question around a "cleaning product" and decides to do a live review of the product on the program. Finally, Drew announces he back to watching Anime, and the boys discuss some of their favorite series they've seen over the years.

36: I'm sure they'll grab the nub and yank

February 17, 2020

Drew has some follow-up for his home PC, which leads him to talk about jet plates. Paul finds nirvana in a very specific Yubikey. The boys discuss Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Paul talks about how he's coping, which leads him to introduce Drew to a keyboard he didn't know existed. Finally, Drew's love of trains (scale or otherwise) is leading him to a dangerous spending cliff.

35: I'm sure they'll hose down their case

February 10, 2020

Drew buys a new washing machine. The boys discuss "Watchmen" because Drew watched the HBO series and loved it, then then they talk more about some other TV series they're looking forward to. Paul buys a new mouse, which leads the boys to talk about their keyboard and mice choices and it leaves Drew a little bit jealous. Drew has been writing code again, and deploying Azure Functions.

34: I’m sure they’ll be mosh pit adjacent

February 3, 2020

Drew plays with his tube. Paul discusses his battle jacket project, and his plans to debut it at an upcoming show. The boys create Spotify playlists for their pets. Drew can't handle his email and asks Paul (and the besties) for advice. Drew gushes about a rug. Finally, the boys talk about what retirement will (eventually) look like.

33: I'm sure they like the tip

January 27, 2020

Paul is stressed at "losing" his desk at work. The boys discuss enterprise-level AV and teleconferencing solutions. Paul talks about Rancher, while Drew describes his adventures with Red Hat OpenShift. Drew shows Paul an intriguing Kickstarter campaign for a new board game. Drew can't help himself and describes his next computer "upgrade." Paul quizzes drew on the proper way to clean your AirPods. The boys discuss doing their taxes.

32: I'm sure they'll whap that button

January 20, 2020

Drew visits downtown Detroit, and not only does he not die, he has a wonderful time and discovers an amazingly good comic book store. Paul gives an update on his battle jacket journey. The boys talk about middle school elective courses, and how they both didn't take home economics. Drew owns up to being a hypocrite. Drew sells Paul on Edge Chromium. Paul gets a Yubikey.

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