211: I'm sure they'll increase the size of the guards
Drew struggles against Audacity again, and then provides a beard update. Paul plays "Starfield" and has notes to share with Drew, who is also still playing. Paul gives Apple more money. Drew reviews a tool.
210: I'm sure they'll cram it into a small hole
Drew reads an apology for embracing a lifestyle change. Drew is still playing "Starfield." Paul reminds Drew of an Apple event that is coming up. Drew tries to remember how to crimp network cables.
209: I'm sure they'll do their special exercises
Paul updates Drew on his shoulder. Drew has a weed problem, and not the fun kind. Drew plays STARFIELD, and also updates his VR flight sim toys. Paul buys another keyboard, and also buys a new amplifier for his records.
208: I'm sure they'll trust the toilet
Paul asks Drew: Is he a jerk (Drew doesn't think so). Paul rants about icons. Drew goes on a trip, and has what is probably the WORST possible experience of his adult life. Paul talks about his shoulder.
207: I'm sure it's two inches too big
Paul has a problem in the kitchen. It's back to school season! Paul explains the concept of a ghost restaurant to Drew. Drew buys a pressure washer and other cleaning-adjacent things. Drew wins an award.
206: I'm sure they're big crooners
Drew and Paul like Ravioli. Paul didn't see GWAR, but his daughter has an upcoming concert she's going to attend. Paul talks about his favorite local clubs. Drew really likes his car, but has concerns about one of the included "apps." Paul tries a new web browser. Drew wants to play "Baldur's Gate 3" and wants Paul's take. Drew needs a new TV show to binge.
205: I'm sure they'll go for the brown
Paul buys another pair of headphones. A listener recommends a game to Drew, and Paul wants to know what he thinks about it. Drew buys a car, but he also buys something else. Another forgotten Kickstarter project arrives.
204: I'm sure it's bigger than people think
Paul gets an important update about his local post office in the mail. Drew upgrades his Synology to great success, with an unexpected benefit. Paul reviews his new camera. Drew's car shopping continues.
203: I'm sure they have silicone tips
Prime Day comes and goes, and what (if anything) did the boys get? Drew orders his Synology, and Paul orders a new web cam. Drew bought a cool new book but Paul isn't having any of it. Paul went to Target and saw something confusing. After that, he went to the Apple store and saw something even weirder. Drew publishes some new online training content, and as a treat, goes car shopping.
202: I'm sure they're beta boys
Drew and Paul recap what they did for the Fourth of July. Drew buys a grill, and Paul wants an upgrade too. Paul asks Drew about Apple Betas, and his plans (if any) to install one. Drew gets another kickstarter project he forgot about. The boys discuss the new "Threads" app from Meta.