201: I'm sure they have a special slot
Drew's had a lot of sugar tonight. Paul hates spinning hard drives, but the boys spend time planning their next Synology upgrades. Paul is in search for a new Reddit app, and he's discouraged. Drew gets the new version of Train Simulator, and Paul plays a game for a listener request.
200: I’m sure they’ll get better pants
EPISODE 200! The boys celebrate by recording in person, eating corndogs, and reminiscing about the show. Paul thinks Diablo 4 is good, and Drew got a Steam Deck. Paul learned that switching cell providers via eSIM isn't the happy path. Finally, Drew explains how he pets the virtual doggo.
199: I'm sure they have all day battery life
The boys ride the struggle bus getting the podcast going this week, but it turns out it was Paul's fault. Speaking of Paul, he has a medical condition Drew was unaware of. The boys recap WWDC: Apple Vision Pro and other announcements that THEY care about. The boys pour one out for Apollo (and probably Reddit).
198: I'm sure they have concrete in their mouth
The boys have a big milestone coming up, and are trying to plan a way to celebrate it. Drew's teeth hurt. Apollo, which is what both Paul and Drew adore for browsing Reddit, is in trouble. Paul really liked the third season of Ted Lasso. Drew prepares for a test. WWDC is around the corner, and what are the boys excited about? Drew really likes the new System Shock remake on the PC, and recommends a book to Paul.
197: I'm sure they want the facial
Drew has a video game problem that only professionals can help with. Paul has a lot of Ks worth of monitor. Paul kinda-sorta builds a computer. The boys are loving "What the Car" on iOS. Paul updates his record collection.
196: I’m sure they’ll scrobble through the stream
Drew has something in his eyes. Paul has some sad news. Drew live streams an event for his gym, and reviews some gear and his goes over the setup he used. Paul really wants a new monitor. Drew upgrades his home WiFi. Thunder Road: Vendetta is actually pretty fun!
195: I'm sure they're just there for the drugs
Drew is finally getting some Kickstarters fulfilled. Drew doesn't freak out on an airplane. Paul has a problem. Drew recommends a documentary. Paul is excited to play the new "Legend of Zelda" game. Drew has a weekend project.
194: I'm sure they won't gush too much
The boys are joined this episode by THE Jon Kruger, and they get caught up. Drew wants to walk down memory lane about important computers.
193: Kebab
Drew learns a new technology term, and needs Paul's blessing on it. Drew makes 14 dollars. Paul wraps up a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Drew needs display purchasing advice.
192: I'm sure they'll generate food
It's tax time, and the boys are winding up their filings. Drew wants to know what Paul's summer vacation plans are. Paul plays "Food Chain Magnate" and shares the joy of the game with Drew, who now HAS to play it. Drew updates the besties on his week with his new apps. The boys discuss Large Language Models with an interesting use case.